OCR text
HERB. HORT, EDINE ze) ® ra ® m7 e — rl D 2 > a ° 0 FLORA HELLENICA PAPAVERACEAE Papaver dubium L. Nom.: Rodopis Ep.: Komotinis ISI 8 Mite: 5 km from the village of Drimi along road to Sarakini. Meadow in opening of deciduous oak scrub. Schist.. - Petals orange-red with a dark spot at base. Alt.: 450 m Lat.: 41°15'N Long.: 25°33'E nov paras aan Peo ae : Teste 5 ae Tan no. 31261 gistered for the Flora Hellenica Database ame SUES RRR nen a eAinRIeenenteaties meinineeeee anise ee
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