OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn ieRB. HORT. EDINB. phe 2 AL. U RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition Umbelliferae Aciphylla crenulata Armstr. New Zealand: Slopes near entrance to the Homer Tunnel, Eastern Side. Old boulder scree, well vegetated between boulders with grasses and forbs and scattered small shrubs. 950 m. AACABWA2"S7 167 59° 297 Erect rosette perennial herb, usually solitary, deep tap root, clear sap. Leaves erect, rather soft. Female inflorescence t 40cm, yellow green. Larger plants seen ae oO lower altitudes. Maturing fruit green a ENZAT No. 523 23 Feb 1998 omas, V.Tregidda, M.F.Watson xe, ® Pad i“ ® n 4 ed co Ss a: > Qa a ° M@G0493
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