OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wm 0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Sifter 2H F RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition Umbelliferae Aciphylla horrida W.R.B.Oliv. New Zealand: Slopes on the eastern side of the Homer Tunnel. Vegetated rough scree with Pseudopanax colensoi, Olearia spp and Hebe spp. 800 m. CASA 6 wore Ge 30,0) 2 Very common on slope but only a few plants flowering/fruiting. A deep rooted perennial usually with solitary rosettes to 80cm across. Female infructescence to 2m, main axis golden yellow, seed yellow green: Sap clear. ENZAT No. 527 23 Feb 1998 M.Rixon, P.Thomas, V.Tregidda, Mim Watgen err Rie caer ore Pace) 5 = a 4 9g =) ue copyright reserved » Meee493
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