OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. mm oO’ st a a g = xe] co) S (8&7 3OL 2 Fe RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition 4 ® Umbelliferae i Ae Aciphylla aurea W.R.B.Oliv. a = fo} of oO New Zealand: Slopes below The Remarkables Mountain Range Skifield. Tussock grassland. 1350 m. 45°1 '39"S, 168°47'59"E Variable perennial herb forming domea rosette to 80cm across, often solitary but also in clumps with up to 7 flowering stems. Stipules long, but sometimes shorter in other specimens. Infructescence to Oty usually narrowly conic, but Sometimes broad at the base. Differences between this plant and Aciphylla horrida were Gifficult to distinguish in the field (hybridisation?) This specimen more typical of A. aurea rf with long stipules. Sap Milky. ENZAT No. 512 22 Feb 1998 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN es wg) M-Rixon, P.Thomas, V.tregidaa, ¥.p. may cous Watson 00090982
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