OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. 1 centimeters OO a Ca a Ove‘pereefarrrgerrrforrrginy ROYAL sSoM UNE Kod GARDEN EDINBURGH 7 Fe _ Shact 3 af 4 RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition ‘Umbelliferae Aciphylla ferox W.R.B.Oliv. New Zealand: Aciphylla collection site on slopes below Mount Cardroma ski resort. Subalpine tussock grassland and improved pasture. 1400 m. 44°52 44571 68'°57 36" Female perennial rosette herb forming clump to 1.5m wide, in groups of up to 7; flowering stem to 2.2m, yellow brown with red tinges, stalk to 10cm diameter at inflorescences broad - narrowly conica Populations showing large range of variations :- leaves with sti i 15cm but everything from almo 15cm on the same plant. base, lee Pules up to St absent to ENZAT No. 497 wai ee V.Tregidda, M.P Watson oe copyright reserved Density——® 005 0.09 | if 0.16 0.22 ps0.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet