OCR text
Mee0564 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Se 10 aaa cs) 9 copyright reserved Ess) 6 7 ae Ge ees ae ee cs] My i Sa ees (fart, ) a det. Bs leaabylKessl Cy - Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch 20 [/ N HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. oo Fam: Annonaceae ’ = eS FLORA OF EASTERN HIMALAYA Miliusa globosa (A.DC) Panigr. « S.C. Maes Miliusa Roxburghiana Hook.f, et Thoms. det./rev.: J.B. Mols tit 2004 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland Leiden Singla. 2,000 fte Shrub or small tree. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 000 0 Coll. GC. H. Cave 20.44.1913
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