OCR text
é insite % +f q/ | i F i] ROYAL BOTANIC GARJEN wg. il uN HERB. HORT. EDINB. SHEET UR | RBGE New Zealand Australia Expedition Umbelliferae Aciphylla colensoi Hook.f. New Zealand: Canterbury: Nw facing gully above huts and along tow rope track on slopes near car park at Amuri Ski Lodge, mt Saint Patrick. Sub alpine tussock oan ae grassland. 42°26'30"S, 172°44'00"E Rosette perennial in clump : Ss of u : leaves spreading to 80cm, female’ floweein spike to 1.2m (males smaller), leaves duli ellow green with idrib: < peleene: 1 orange Midrib; Spike ENZAT No. 374 14 Feb 199g M.Rixon, P.thomas, ¥areqiqg on V.Tregidda, M.F.Watson MQQ0493 To i) Pa Po cH) ) co) i a co oe = > Qa ae oO
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