OCR text
2653 P. minor Retz. Obs. Bot. iii. 8. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Adriatic coast, Greece, Thrace, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Afghanistan, Beluchistan, plains of India, Kashmir to Nepal up to 1600 m., Egypt, Tripolitania, Canaries, Natal. Annual; stem 3-5 dm., glabrous, simple, finely striate, with 6-7 nodes, the upper internodes the longer up to 10 cm.; sheaths shorter than the internodes, the lower tight, the uppermost more or less inflated ; inflorescence greenish-white, sub-globose to cylindric, up to 5 cm. long, truncate at base, rounded at top ; glumes oval- lanceolate, glabrous, keel serrulate ; neuter flower one, villous. First found in Tweedside, I. M. H., August 1908. See 7’r.. Bot. Soc. Edin. 44,1909. Near Galashiels Skin-works, Selk., and by the side of the Tweed between Galashiels and Newstead (5 miles), Roxb. Flowering August to October. Det. J. Fraser. copyright reserved HERB {OM GF MISS Il. M. HAYWARD, FP: La B PRESENTED 1B4ds ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00919723
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