OCR text
“ei \s \ \ fg RARE Meanie 2 QS Pees a S , Ww Ta% WI 7 \ ete fee Se J os . = ‘4 \ eS ANS L/S & SS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iE URGH i i 66 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN viii Sagina maritima, pon, E00 St Helen’s Spit. Isle of Wight; | Coll. A. @. More, June, 1853. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00916648 MQ00323 Ex Herb. N. B. Warp. oe Cae Arar LO a A, Cone ee Loe Ay 60 Ge. Bs ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN URGH i xo} co) Pag — ® n 4 ad = Da 2S > fo} ° 13) f ae a ee! Wa tie ga jpe ee ee ns A x
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