OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wii Wi E00916610 vc The London Catalogue of British Plants, Tenth Edition, No. 2 $ ae a | Name. egisia Lea Se Par. ~ C Lease Lan farienk tg Attest Mette Habitat. Preiek Cut tyeAg <¢~ 2ea2Z7 ae. | Height above sea level. Ss feet. | Susie, Sang K tags aepse, Lint Aimelnray, , | Date, 2 2°" LY Lupuats Ce La. a Collector. Henry Halcro Johnston. Remarks. <tee . Qrirsicen, “KE Ene t~ bot! fie Pree ee A Ee | s copyright reserved m N * © © 2 =
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