OCR text
My, WL. 77 WF Mee0323 C AY) S. umbrosa, Opitz. ; 8. Klizabethe, F. Schultz. Hedgebanks near Torquay, 8. Devon, May, 1876.—-F. TownsEnp. This is an ~X | copyright reserved extension of the known range of this plant to the south-west, but no doubt if the plant were looked for it would prove to have a wide range. I have very little donbt that itis a good sub-species; the seeds are tubercled all over, and not merely round the margin, as in S. eu-media, and the plant is truly perennial. Instead of going on producing branches which flower until stopped by frost, as in S. media, 8S. wnbrosa forms autumnal barren shoots very similar to S. nemorum. These remain through the winter, and do not flower till the following spring, as I have ascertained by bringing the plant into the garden and watching it. I sent a few specimens to the Club from Pirniss ‘Wood, Balmuto, Fife, to show - this autumnal and winter state.—J, T. Boswain, £6 @epert fo 1676. . SLR = tree Ops eee Dee eee OR ae. ‘ Foe ee a Sof ee eG — > ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mt Gch Ulete Mhfb-7 “iy ee. LA le A dX 7 OWS ee eC E00915044
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