OCR text
a AITO TTEUAT CLITA EC copyright reserved as Yr FLORA OF BURMA (NORTH) SACHIN STATE Sumprabum Sub-Division hes from Sumprabum to Kumon Range LAT. c. 26°40N, LONG. c. 97°20B, ; Loc. Main ridge of Bumpha Bum, Midst Abies and Y | small leafed bamboo on open hillsides, a | 2 Same as 3536, Seeds collected, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH S 2 M WAU IM ee Neren 1962 an, 9°11000 £4, E00887228 J. Keenan, U Tun Aung & U Tha Hla No. 3539
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet