OCR text
| ATTMMIINOnT TOnINTTT CHT 7 copyright reserved 6 ri 3 Een asa Ses Ss) yA , == = Ue aha = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN s NEVO flo i. ; | =I = EDINBURGH See Gee nereiflormnm er ky bd | i bd AT ot 8 ae ee | E00901931 - 5 Ex Herbario Musei Britannici Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF NORTH BURMA Filaments glabrous, anthers black. Ovary and base of style silky pubescent. Rhododendron neriiflorum Balf.f. & Forrest 222019530 7 | North Tri le (Hkinlun). ¢ 'E. ° 2 Ne © d F. Kingdon-\ard. No 20696 mein ce gia A gnarled shrub with smooth red bark. Flowers erimson in trusses of — 5. Leaves snow white beneath, glabrous. On the rocky precipitous © ridge in half shade of small trees. Pedicel. cons calyx softly hairy. Corolla with five black dice a oray wiands Be Coll. FeKingdon-Warde No.20696
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet