OCR text
(oe ANTI TOTTI NCLATTTT So o Po he o 7) va — <= Da = 4) a fe) ° pei fee pew fr couBun telenbi fe catian - Ree 4 loco am bvO ee i a | hogs Lee Det. D. F. Chamberlain /777 FLORA OF BURMA (NORTH) KACHIN STATE Sumprabum Sub-Division Eastern approaches from Sumprabum to Kumon Range Rryredcdsndacr LAT. c. 26°40N. LONG. c. 97°20R, Loc. Main ridge of Bumpha Bum. Midst Abies ang small leafed bamboo on open hillsides, infrequent on hillsides. In fruit, seeds mainly dispersed, Leaves glaucous, grey beneath, petiole red. Same as No, 2 are Pause oN ii Dee 2a March 1962 an. 911000 2, 00901754 J. Keenan, U Tun Aung & U Tha Hla No. 3536 S m - —~-——— +
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