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BOPP UONT EnIAPp ROsERD, GEV de LEVELING, Meee493 ao ae 2 ok a) rane ma (=) a ell OR The Forest Herbarium - BKF National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department Flora of Thailand copyright reserved Family: Annonaceae Name: Anaxagorea javanica Blume Local name: Champuun Locality: | Chiang Mai, Huay Kaeo Aboretum. Lat/Long: Altitudes: c. 300 m | Habitat: | Notes: Scandent shrub, cultivated beside the entre. Flowers pinkish-yellow, scented; K.3, C.6 in 2-low, the outer 3 small size than the inner 3, all undulate. Collectors: C. Phengklai et al. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN f Number 6187 Date: 26 May 1987 i ane £00844940 Jae
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet