OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | MU EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. EO THIS MATERIAL IS RESTRICTED. IT IS SUBJECT TO THE RBG KEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH IT WAS SUPPLIED. HERB. HORT. EDINB. _ Plants of the UK Overseas Territories Ascension Name: Ammaryllis belladonna 1G Det by: Locality: Ascension, Ascension, Green Mountain, Green Mountain, Red Lion; Anthropogenic; Disturbed area; 7.9491° S, 14.3510° W Alt: 690m Notes: Collector: Corcoran, M.R. Number: MARC 204 Date: 21 January 2015 Dups/associated: K, E, ASI, K New dets to: _ ukots.dets@kew.org Family: AMARYLLIDACEAE copyright reserved
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