OCR text
[a foISSv19 BED MELT BBIe <P ahe col . L TITTLE TT a4 % oy copyright reserved 169 HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. FLORA OF SPAIN Name:. Spiranthes spiralis (L.)Chevall Loc, Gibraltar - Estepona road, Hab. Grows amongst maquis of Cistus, Quercus etc, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ; aprralta (£) Ahevath, in poor soi | The first orchid seen after the rains ; EDINBURGH ' the First. | WIIMINIMNT ——eterminarie PDeeet-e mb te fie =00892148 Coll, C.M.STOCKEN, No.63,62°" 7 Nov, 1969
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