OCR text
| HERB. HORT. EDINB. (n BISSaH) 194994910} Ne xrite (ee) Dalberma qlabra {mitt Sedan Deen a (an) (997 FLORA OF BELIZE No. R. 6610 Vernacular name: Belize District. Gale’s Point (sea to Quashie Trap lagoon) seaward end, c. 2 km S of Bar River mouth, Transect 2 GC. 17 13°N) BBC 18" W. In scrubby area with large palmetto clumps. Tangled, semi-scandent bush, forming a clump about 10 m diameter and 5 m tall. Date: 27 7 1991 IC GARDEN ROYAL BOTAN Coll. wi Sabi Pitan E00884092 ee
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