OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. | Esme) 19499Y9/C a Ne xrite col s L EX HERBARIO KEWENSI BRAZIL: ESTADO DA BAHIA ver. jantinnsis (Casot:) ped Arg - R.M.HARLEY, G,L. BROMLEY, A.M. DECARVALHO, J. M. SOARES NUNES, J.L.HAGE, & E.B, DoSSANTOS in Harley No. Zoi 2a Field work sponsored by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Academia Brasileira de Ciéncias, and carried out with the collaboration of the Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, Itabuna, Bahia, March - June, 1980 xe) ct) > = i) n” ® pa od £ Da Ss ) Qa fe) [S) Alchornea triplinervia Morro do Chapeu. e 3 km. S.E. of Morro do Chapeu on the road to (A Mundo Novo. Campo rupestre vegetation on ¢ EC sandstone rock outcrops with damp grassland on flat sandy areas. Alt. 1000 m. 41°07'W., 11°41. DG This plant growing among rocks, Tree to 3m. Leaves coriaceous, rather . yellow-green, paler beneath with reddish- F P | oval BSTANIOCARERT tinged midrib. Male flowers reddish | EDINBURGH ascending slender spikes. oo | MON 1 Jane 1980 at Hart 00883692 ed ‘iia
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