OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii E00883652 wu HERB. HORT. EDINB. = HSsa) 184994910 DCP aes) col r ANTTUICOTHTTTOTTTT re] o 4 od oa 2 ead r= ro) = Ss Q ° rs) [es FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso No.R. 5235 <4 laced fp Alchornea discolor Poepp. eho on Sinsaseen uit ecules “ Near Capao de Areoes, Fazenda Sao Vicente do Rio Claro, c. 35 km S of Poconé (16°16'S 56°38'W) on the Transpantaneira highway. SAgll, erect tree, 5 m tall, 8 om d.b.h, Bark smooth. Growing on a seasonally inundated campo with Byrsonima orbignyana (common) Curatella americana and Tabebuia c occasional), Date. 4+ x 1986 col: J A Ratter, Catia da Cunha, Mardocheu Rocha, Silvo Rodrigues, ee Alba Ramos, Claudia Rosa. >» and araiba This species is rare,
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