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LC BSSae) 194994910 < <P cai) fee)l = Ea AMTUETOTTTTOOTTTUATT So cy > i ® 7) ® S eed <= — = > a ° oO FLORA OF BRAZIL Federal District No. R. 376 3 Tae CALS Carre. LGA. Close to the Escola Fazendaria, c. 11 km SE of the Brasilia TV Tower ond: Rome < op Slot, CA a AN, Cae bee. Creed len er> this Pollen/ Spores from 6 . specimen HF Pa hie Porfece d, on A 7 1 Po, ¢ we J fo ore } \ Date : 4/,/' ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | wi pan fT 1s come to, Col: J A Ratter E00880884
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