OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. is OISSVIO BED RELI ASO <P a aie) coli s FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Goids xo} cy > tee i) 7?) 4 ad ao Da so > Qa ° iS) No. UR. 7/350 Banisteriopsis latifolia (Adr. Juss.) Gates c. 8km from Alto Paraiso de Goids (14°07's 47°31'W) on the road to the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park. In roadside cerrado. Tree, 3m tall, 10cm dbh. Bark thick brown, deeply fluted. Petals dirty white. R. 7353 is a fruiting specimen from the same population. Date: 14.vi.1994 Colm J-R- Ratter, ©. Cardoso. J. Fonséca Filho, Valdir de Lima, de Oliveira, J. Ferreira PaixNo. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Silva & Bruno Walter. jn E00880082 Newton Marco
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