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HSSae) J9yO9YDIC Ne xrite fee) . copyright reserved FLGRA OF BRAZIL Federal District No. R G20/ Coferad Wh Anca ($75 G % f = Botti a iiminilelco Holr. Vass. Dp : ow Centro de Pesquisa Agropecukria dos Cerrados (CPAC), 5 km ENE of Planaltina. Subrkent to YOem bell tu o Len Ctra th. Fimnetl : | Vie. Lay : [nm oe. afey Ctcvwile a pan Ie ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 00 E00878992 8 cou: J A Ratter, F Ribeiro, J C So usa Silvg & LF A Cozac. :
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet