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TSE) 194994910 Pani col MOOUTTNCUATITOTOTTATTOTED So co) Pad ke o 7) ® - he ad <= o)) co a Qa ° 1S) FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Sao Paulo No. R.4846 | Byrsonima verbascifolia (Spr.) Kunth, Floresta de Angatuba (23°27's 48°25'w), ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Instituto Florestal de SP. init In cerradao. UINMMMTMIN || ents treo, 4m tans, 4 co ecban, E00878982 Flowers yellow. Date. 11.11.1983 Coll.: JA. Ratter, G.C.G, t G.J. Shepherd & bie es . oE. Gibbs, de Rocha
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