OCR text
iin E00878962 EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. Anglo/Brazilian Northern Mato Grosso Expedition 1967/69 FLORA OF MATO GROSSO the se Camp of ¢ a Ok Ee Be Oe 54'Se — 51 52° Wy co270 km. Ne of the Xavantina — Sao Felix road). tube Reme 2 (OR eEs actin. f “Yee, Pan ALE | E Wiel Bil sm. gir eee have prom Cees wihetle ( iy cro no Crest LE OISSV1O BED HE] HMO <P aan) col a ATION ATOTOTTLAT So cy > — ) 177) oR pa oa = — — >i fo} fe) 1)
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