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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH i E00878916 STUDIES IN NEOTROPICAL MALPIGHIACEAE Byrsonsra oxyruvica Aor. Juss. William R. Anderson, University of Michigan Herbarium /F81 FLORA DA SERRA DO CIP6 ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS — BRASIL - : "Gs hiaceae RSONIMA NO Municipio de Jaboticatubas: km U % do Mato Dentro — Diamantina. Alt. Habitat: Obs. Flor beawia com (abelo amartlo. fArbusto b0a TO een: leg. A.%. Joly } a Semin ab al. | 44. 1942 ao longo da rodovia Lagoa Santa — Conceigao LE. OISSVIO BED RE] Be Po aiics & copyright reserved col
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