OCR text
Le OISSVID BED RELI BSTe <P aaits) col eZ Ke) o Pa ea co in) ie i Sel s D ys r-) . 2 ° ° FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Mato Grosso No. R. 6968 Conl WG. Aadeeson ($ viii 2e0c Byrsonima ¢& intermedia Adr. Juss. Vernacular name: Murici Fazenda Furninha, 12km from Rondonépolis (16 29°55 54 37'W) on the Culaba road. On the banks of a dried-up stream in cerradao ciliar. Much branched shrub, 2m tall. Flowers yellow. Date: 5 xi 1993 Coll.: J.A. Ratter, Joaquim Fonséca ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Filho, Jo& Batista dos Santos, Newton R. Wi sta Pea, ot ene E£00878883
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