OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN su E00878870 PLANTS OF BRAZIL Collected for The New York Botanical Garden and the Museu Botanico Municipal de Curitiba by W. R. Anderson, G. Hatschbach, R. C. Barneby, and B. E. Gates Byrsonima gaultherioides Griseb. det. W.R. Anderson, 1976 GOIAS. Mun. Luzania: Cerrado near highway between Brasfilia and Cristalina; elev, 1000 n. Erect stems from decumbent root stocks; fruit green; cerrado. William R. Anderson 11505 Field work supported by the National Science F Botanical Garden, the Prefeitura de "Davie bet cee = P University of Michigan eranky and 21 February 1975 L HSSa) 184994910 DP a aiks) col i ES Jutuulintinly So co) Po i ® 7) ri pe a = D 5 Qa fe} oO
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet