OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH ANI E00878833 FLORA OF BRAZIL Territory of Roraima No. R. 6341 Byrsonima coccolobifolia (Spr.) Kunth oa Municipio de Boa Vista, c.40km from Boa Vista on the road to the Ilha de Maraca. In low, sparse campo cerrado. Shrub 2m tall. Petals white tinted with pink. Stamens a constrasting bright yellow. Midrib and upper leaf veins pink. Vernacular name: Murici vermelho. Date. 20 2 1988 Got; dA. Ratter, W. Milliken & Robert Miller. ‘ti HSSae) 19499Y91C ¥ ye x-rite rr To ) > be cd) n ri — = £ 3S = Ra fo¥ ° Oo col
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