OCR text
{bas OISSVIO BED RE) BSIe DP aalt) ee)| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN aI E00878825 ‘hae FLORA OF BRAZIL from the State of Maranham. Collected. by Mr. T,. Moses, A Common Name Wurtecy KA, Oa Botanical Name: Byrsonima crassifolia H.B.K| * (erteesdet a ° e copyright reserved Region Tt —o Locality Cte Go laa, Habitat Lo Fades eel, oely, Vs UE Tree; shrubs bushs vine; herb; te oeerscceccee. Height of DlawGGeEeRMMEY < "5306-0 scececcens Diameter, breast HiGh cers ssccrevenccccesences WAGWGR 40a ce os oe serscenanencceeus 4 Materialscollested «60.9... a Special notes Cee e reese serecerervessesereres é i C tsoel ES a i ; L f - Economic mses py SEONG Meoole Fron hi see eeeeins coe eo’ Re meee ree eene | Che oA , i Date 10.024 (EK.
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