OCR text
MQ00327 Tam ras oe ie Ziti paar eis aOR oF 10 je copyright reserved . JS ae (ae: (3) st ls a NR ae i) mI a ) PA i & EX HERB, GREVILLE, 183’. PYfuemnndes . is fete 2 fa peut anes wee e Bae. - pe . ‘ Ve 90 1 a ‘ © CL J oy Bai, ; Wt dA othlond pola. fipe ee ieee B87 een ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 7 iii EDINBURGH EDINBURGH 4 IM | (WW ‘WAM MI WN Ki j E00813923 E00813924 00813925 a | Rees
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet