OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ing i HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF PERU Malpighiaceae Cajamarca: Across Rio Marafion on wire bridge a few km upstream from Chamayo, then c. 1 hour walking up track into hills. 5°54’01"S, 78°47709"W. 850 malt. Disturbed scrub, grazed. Possibly once seasonally dry forest. Climber, 1 cm dia at base, scrambling over a C 7 > ‘appar, tree. Flowers yellow. ei R.T. Pennington, S. Bridgewater, A. Daza 803 14 March 1998 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Universidad idai Agraria La Molina copyright reserved Meee493
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet