OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN gyi HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SABAH - HERBARIUM OF THE FORESTRY DEPARTMENT (SAN) SEPILOK, SANDAKAN, SABAH, MALAYSIA. FAMILY: EUPHORBIACEAE BOTANICAL NAME: Aporusa grandistipulata VERNACULAR NAME: LOCALITY: Road to Trusmadi, Tambunan. HABITAT: Lower montane forest ALT.: c. 1185 m NOTES: Tree. 10 m tall, 8 cm diameter. Outer bark whitish brown, rough; inner bark reddish. Sapwood yellow. Stipules earlike. Fruits red, ovoid, apex with calyx. COLL.: J.T.Pereira with K.M. Wong, JTPNo.: 143 J.B. Sugau, L. Madani, J. Tangah, R. Nilus & C. Puff. DATE: 9 MARCH 1995 Duplicates to: x A/AAU/BISI V/BO/BRUN/E/K/KEP/KLU/L/OX/PNH/SAR/WU/W ANARISET | Please communicate new identifications to the Forest Botanist, Fore st Res ba Centre, P.O.Box 1407, 90008 Sandakan, Sabah, MALAYSIA ve ©] ca) Ps = ® on ® k= Cael A oo f=) he > (o® ° i)
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