OCR text
HERBARIUM OF COL. JAMES BRODIE OF BRODIE, M.P., F.R.S., ORIGINALLY GIVEN TO WALKER-ARNOTT. (See Britten & Boulger, Bibliograph. Index of British and Irish Botanists, 1893, p. 23.) wy K ' S ce >) pe ee ‘ ; : Sor a = : ee ti a9. KA plete beJeat 172, : : a C=) - Pic > : Sletlianen ete mete Wat wet. cal, F- LS; Stellarra gnedin dys : ee eee ae, ey Can IS face Y je Cees < oeo Zw Gas ee ie j ZBPPCO424. OD. a f REMI ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wi E00874070 copyright reserved om) N oni} 2 ax) g iy
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