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Mee0323 copyright reserved The London Catalogue of British Plants, Eleventh Edition (1925), No. 2 S~8~ alae oceania aes I Sars ae NE ee Lill. i | ee oe Name hee ef e 2» Habitat Leedanol ghaaap. Chatty 2 Aoetea et LoPliaede, Height above sea-level. $7 feet. - Station. Sask ae G Aap Wi, Paes TAs DOA pete oe oe Date 2S frome Jo): Collector Henry Halcro Johnston. Reference Number _ Remarks Mike. on Ji fon Cuda A ee _ fos aa = er Se SAREE oe Woe ee ve | — ely E00874069 si Jou ia el alae
on N om fax) g Oo} = 9 10 cs} 7 copyright reserved The London Catalogue of British Plants, Eleventh Edition (1925), No. 2 $~8~ 6 We a eee _ Lid Ld. Height above sea- natn Defect aut Station Star Corer. GY Lapot pal WEE: ee Ss Seema SCeMian.._ Die 2 ge ne eS vc Collector Henry Halcro Johnston. Reference Number__ Remarks Hh IST _ ante fn. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN cnn gomnigg m fost Ae WH 1 BE
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