OCR text
Fig. 54. AMARANTHUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS Lam, 1 IN ‘2iro (2) A. angustifolius Lam. Ene. i. 115, 1783. A. graecizans L., p.p. A. Blitum Moquin. Fig. 54. Thell. Amaranth. 298. Mediterranean coasts, N. Italy, Switzerland, Germany—Baden ; Holland, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Dalmatia, Herzegovina, Transylvania. Main stem usually erect with erect or spreading branches, glabrous or (especially in extra-Huropean forms) somewhat pubescent above, often tinged with red, up to 70 cm. high ; foliage leaves variable in form (compare the races and varieties), ovate-rhomboid or ellipticrhomboid or obovate to linear-lanceolate, generally at- tenuated at both ends (but usually. bluntish at the outer end),| rarely obtuse (but not conspicuously bordered), with short awn-| like points, breadth in the middle about 24 cm., dirty-green or reddish, usually thin and finely undulate at the margin ; flower-) heads collectively axillary ; bracteoles ovate-lanceolate or lance-| olate, acuminate, membranous with a green, upwardly broadened middle nerve, about 3-? as long as the perianth, with shorter or longer prickle point; male flowers 3-partite: perianth leaves) ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, about 1-14 mm. long, mem-| branous with a green nerve ; female flowers broadly or narrowly} elliptic-lanceolate or lanceolate or elongate, acute or acuminate, membranous with a green upwardly widening nerve, about 1:3-| 1-9 mm. long with a shorter or longer prickle point, about 3-3 as long as the fruit, the latter in the typical species roundish-ellip- soid, compressed, acute or shortly prickle pointed, about 14-2 mm. long, more or less wrinkled, with a sharply defined lid developing early transversely ; seed about 1-14 mm. diameter. First found in Britain near Galashiels, Selk., I. M. H., October 1913. See Rep. B.HL.C. 207, (1915) 1916. Near the junction of the Gala and Tweed but less plentifully than others of this genus. Flowering September to October. Det. A. Thellung. 10 | | RF i aaa a 62-7 8 9 copyright reserved ri Sh ain, 3 5 2 whe i 0) cm Ni N/ nH © os} Q} =
NS N oy s 2 S = | 2ust(r) rerante angusrh fics ie (A praecsan ae ey. madit. / Gf Lex Bid ole. —— - TING — man Xt 4 7- det. AxTiellung. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ne Cell 7 wk ‘isin ta |
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet