OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A 2 SE ee HERB. HORT, EDINB. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Chile Verbenaceae Diostea juncea (Gillies & Hook.) Miers Chile: Regién VII [Maule]: Prov. de Talca: Cordillera de Los Andes: About 5 km on road to Los Cipreses, close to the Rio Maule. Sclerophyllous vegetation on dry, flat moraine. 860 m. S5°4e"22"s5, "70°51 's4"y. Evergreen shrub to 2.5 m. Flowers lilac. 4 Feb 1998 Universidad de Chile, RBG Edinburgh Expedition to Southern Chile (UCEXC) No. 17 Leg: Baxter, P., Brownless, P., Bustos, M. Gardner, M., Matthews, K., Maxwell, H.S. & Rae, D. , 5 LTTE ET ae aig. Cy 0) i) cs) copyright Tae)
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