OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi UL E00855048 Flora of Myanmar (Burma) The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Rhododendron forrestii Balf.f. ex Diels Myanmar (Burma): Kachin, Putao Township, Between Stone Cave and glacial lake (Sue Dagaw) Lat/Long (WGS 84): 27.65803: 96.97005 Description: Prostrate shrub, to 5 cm; in fruit Alt.: 3850 m Vegetation: Mainly south facing slopes Hponyin Mountains Expedition Philip Thomas with Georg Miehe No. 2 Specimen preserved in alcohol. Please send new identifications to RBGE 13 OCT 2013 Ericaceae ae AITMUATIOU TENET So o Pa i co) 7) 4 4 ao oS i P) a fe) oO
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet