OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ES TIVE TOOU TENT TOTLONIET xo} o Pd h oO 77) cH) pa a] on 2 a Ps) 2. ° [S) ‘FLORA OF Ayrehow Name Cotta Brose Agpatien Vir, hlbrale Locautty 2-31m. Sof Mleot Kielbrcole FUABIDAT UZ ey) yy Bay ALT. ge t : Ee gg. Sart le & Avotep 21 Ge REMARKS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Githtiy Rodes no Dare 47 vii/19 £3 ad f bt cg (14098) Wt.74226/43 10m(4) 3/51 L.& S, G67.
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