OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. E00860482 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i TT ers 4 een hes os OF pee dl ez NAME tir 0 CO _ a andi sh ; Wen lee 7 Locauty £ @5 Grew Ceneel HABITAT led ALT. REMARKS Long. Mn eHalfio fe 1799., pate “3-6. OF 10 COLLECTOR Yd, tll ys yee | 3) 9 copyright reserved a 7 6 | | | etor ars Rane CC Fis rae S Cea ‘er A Ose 5 yi FLORA OF SCOTLAND VC ey Beruxckikeo ‘ Fa hia arcdtls 2 dae wet Coffees bere ham. anpler. A. kyb., molar + pep. pate /7- % /9792 -ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN cou. 4 & Ree aee ono. 26/206 _ EDINBURGH , VAM oe Tea E00860480
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