OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 se o Fs i od r 2 — P ey 3 > row fe) 3) FLORA OF BORNEO Annonaceae Alphosea Sabah. Telupid, Bt. Tawai Forest Reserve, near Sawmill. 5° 31'N, 117° 04’E. Elev. 100 m. Log Ultrabasic. Tree 8 m tall. ged over forest, K. Mat Salleh, KMS 3440 10 April 1994 With: A. Zainuddin ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN FROM 1994 TAWAI EXPEDITION ALON TREE FLORA OF SABAH & SaRAWAK PROJECT Eoo08s5882
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