OCR text
. : 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i M E00084895 ~~ HER RAR TUM WOANART SET East Kalimantan, Income (Flora of Eé st Kalimantan Kessler et al. FR: Annonacee Anaragor Indonesia, Fast Kalimant aMin alowiey Sq. Kuaro, from MM Kamam 115 49.049 —£. 1 40.424 ¢ Alte, 10m. Date 15.11.1904 Along Sungei ' dominated hy F (Ss, I Naticlea, Kleinhavia, fF partly formed by limes Shrite ©. 5O cm tall 7 7 em ah flowers white, inner petale culate, stamens yellow, all petals spread Uti. diam, cary al aS Collected with Ambri ansyah & syah ACE A apy en ROYAL BOTANIC | M@00493 copyright reserved
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