OCR text
xo] cy Pa <i co 77) oO bw a) £ .e)) _ > fox fe} [S) PLANTS OF BRITISH HONDURAS Cayo District Coccoloba belizensis Standl. Line Transect 2. Ca. 250 m W of Humming - bird Hwy. at a point ca. 2.5 miles S of ject. with Western Hwy. Alt. ca. 50 m. Trees with several stems, up to 7 or 8 m tall. ps In secondary forest near quadrat 1, ca. 25m " from transect start. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ig EDINBURGH . INUIT spetaman & WeW.Newey1720 17 suty 1970 £00842836 University of Edinburgh Expedition-1970
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