OCR text
= | HERB. HORT. EDINB. a AITTUTTOUA UNTIL TTTD SG o = i ) 7) : sat £ 2) cS es Qa fe) iS) FLORA OF BRAZIL Federal District No. R 4806 IBGE, Reserva do Roncador, c. 18km S of the Brasilia TV tower. In the marginal vegetation of the a gallery forest of the cabeceira of the i Corrego Taquara. Woody herb with shoots to im tall. The flowers are evidently bright red and attractive to humming-birds. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ate. 15.9.82 MT a Col: JeA. Ratter, Aivaro Negrett & E00837237 Mardocheu Rocha
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet