OCR text
" faten inguis (L.) Gray ce a 1 Aust 1957 if MINED BY ovard Crum ae R : tea y cree, empoium mgrum, Equise TILT ame eac ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | wii | | E00817612 ¥ HSSa) 48499YI1C MIDDLETON ISLAND, ALASKA |Searic oe) i GLASGOW UNIVERSITY HERBARIUM (E-GL) 2005 Middleton |. is located in the Gulf of Alaska about 115 miles south of Valdez. Low, flat, moist area between bluffs and beach. Common species include: Salix sp., Plantago macro- corpo, Dodecatheon pulchellum, Calamagrostis nut- kuensis, Empetrum nigrum, Equisetum sp., and mos- ses. Growing in low drainage channel with Coltha palustris, an umbel, and Iysichiton americanun. UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW HERB.ARILUN OF ALAN ©. V&UNDWELL June 14, 1956 ANTUNTOATTTOOTNTUATIOTED f copyright reserved
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