OCR text
i AITO CONT NOOTI TT xe) oO Pa = i 7) co) —_ a ao 3 be > a ° oO FLORA MELITENSIS Herb. Acad. Rheno-Trai. Allium subhirsutum L,. ssp. subhirsutum Hab.: Insula Malta; e. side of ravine at Mellieha, W. facing limestone slope with terraces. In crevices of limestone boulder. Fls. small, erect, white; anthers dark; filaments gradually broadened to base. Leaves mostly withered, almost plane, slightly concave. Elev. ca. 50 m. Leg.: K. U. Kramer & L. Y. Th. Westra No. 4298 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN dd. 24-IV 1968 DINBU i Det.: ide | | | Kh £00825519 | |
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