OCR text
PISsv1O BED PEL ae Pagans) col = xo] co Ps i] o 7) co) Ls oo £ Da o > a fe) oO - 59 FLORA OF;NEW SOUTH WALES. Distributed by the HERBARIUM AUSTRALIENSE, C.S.I.R.O., CANBERRA, A.C.T. Coll. Michael Evans No. 2634 Date 27 Sept. 1967 Acacia pycnantha Benth. boc. ¢ miles south of Queanbeyan on the odd Burra Road. || Hob. Open position at roadside. alt. ca 2550 feet. In oes Slender tree to 5m high. Phyllodes dark green, rather shiny. Petioles pink. Older branches red and glaucous. Heads bright | yellow. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH Specimens (9) in : CANB.NSW.K.L.A. | | CHR.AD.US(B) E00820674 |
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