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cas tl copyright reserved FLORA CF THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY. Distritated by the HERBARIUM AUSTRALIENSE, C.S.1.R.0., CANBERRA, A.C.T. Coll. fe ep Adame 5 e No. /003 Dete 30 Oct. 14bb * LP + Acaccaé Sp. taov. aff Pyenantha. LA Bi: Belivew nt Ginine « HE. Gmaera ) Alb. c. 5200 #. Grd ref. 1909 Hab. Sparse Snew Gam foveot, ii trequunt: Notes Shrudr & ce 3m. i A 3 Phyllodeo - ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN an a ; Ve : am EDINBURGH | Flewers broght lemon yeller , arith, NNN ' unpleaaant : Ms
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