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A digital photograph has been taken of this material HERB and no herbarium voucher - HORT. EDINB. has been retained. copyright reserved The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Peru Euphorbiaceae Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Mull.Arg. Peru: San Martin, Davicillo, along road with oil palm plantations. 20 minutes from Pongo de Cainarachi town. Lat/Long: 6°14’48.61054029"S : 76°15"30.97234735"W (WGS84) Alt.: 197m Misc. Field No. DA-41 Habitat: Amazonian white-sand forest Associated material collected: Plant. Garcia, Roosevelt with Robert OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Rodriguez Reategui 16 JAN 2012 / EDINBURGH | No. 8188 | E00678398
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet