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w.% Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00678307 | Alt. /4, soot: : SYNTYPE of Rhodedund.con.cepens. BoNt.5.ch. Crereot. 4 Is Notes Rou So}. Gard Edinluegh wns. 22 sf £§ Nhat , WEST GHNA. No. /4534., Coll. a4 ae ee GHORGEH FORREST. Locality Sn Ka- quis pe, pnekong-datustin dimwots . Cade, WPT ae { a> Q } Rhydodti~dron | rots SO Tt Cuping Mhraihe BY /~2 1ches, Toe lg Mca be Shen peptede Cz acting gon Borla, copyright reserved
D. F. CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN of Rhodsdundron.nepens Bolt, f O Forertot. In. Nokes Rory Soh. Gand. Ediniuegh. W012 a. a Jaong, $ & hee YUNA: VWHEST GHINA. No. /4 534. Coll. GHORGE FORREST. ne Ge Alt. /4, soot: ; Locality Or Ka- qu pe, prekong-daluston dinwedt . Cat, BF ao me Phydodtii-dion |) rt Wok. ractin“ Kom ooutitrs, Pre we O69 [-9--) copyright reserved
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